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lnofeisone last won the day on May 1 2023

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  1. There is more to this story than being published.
  2. what broker do you use? I have ToS and have put in $1 increments in the 108-150 range. the trade you are proposing is you are risking $1.15 to make $3.85 ($5-$1.15) but you got the idea generally right.
  3. If this is your hypothesis, I'd go with a vertical bear spread. 140/138, with an expiration of next week, is trading at 0.50. So, if you are right, you get a 4:1 payout, and TSLA only needs to go down to $138. If you bought the 157 ATM Put @8, TSLA would need to go down to 125 to have a similar payout.
  4. This is factually incorrect. 1) Israel didn't attack a sovereign country's embassy. They attacked an annex. Notice how everyone killed was IRGC and the ambassador and embassy staff were safe. A lot of news sources got this wrong, and this has become one of those nuances that got lost for those who aren't reading and tracking this carefully. 2) Let us not forget that Iran set this precedent long ago with this - https://www.reuters.com/world/argentina-court-blames-iran-deadly-1994-bombing-jewish-center-2024-04-12/ Can we agree on this much? 3) Your take on Gaza is also weird and incongruent. Let's do a simple exercise. You claim Israel is an occupier. As an occupier, Israel is obligated to provide food, water, and shelter to the occupied territories, which it did before Hamas and MANY Gazan civilians went on their adventure into israel. However, as an occupier, Israel has some flexibilities, which include setting up checkpoints, restricting population movement, and really anything for the purpose of security. Palestinians have shown time and time again that they are a true security threat. So if Israel is really an occupier, their behavior in Gaza and WB is really justified. Think another way. If there was a terror group that actively lobbed missiles from Puerto Rico and Guam into the continental US, you can bet your portfolio US would not hesitate to deal harshly and there are many existing laws that could be applied to punish those responsible. This is why I think the talking point of "Israel is an occupier" is a really bad one so whoever is giving you your talking points, should take that into account. 4) You want to see real Genocide? Look at how Hamas went into Kibutzes and systemically targetted and killed every family they could find. That's what genocide looks like. If Israel had no ability to stop Hamas, they would go as far as they could. That's Genocide. What Israel is doing is combat. Terrible collateral damage (still well below many comparable urban warfare situations) but it's legal combat. I'll concede that not everything Israel is doing is perfect and by the book but it's much closer to what International laws were designed for.
  5. If you think Vol is underpriced here, you can buy straddles. You can adjust your strategy to backspreads if you have a directional bias.
  6. Thanks for this. I think they are reasonably good with the roll ups and you are right. The spring keeps tightening. Just needs some patience.
  7. Got it. Thanks. I'm looking to double this one to roughly 5% range. I think the challenges will work themselves out and we'll be heading back to the 20+ range.
  8. are you bailing on HQI or rightsizing?
  9. New settlement hot of the press. Sellers no longer have to pay the buyer's agent fee. I know most here would agree that transaction costs in RE are due for a change but I'm thinking through the winners (FSBO, Redfin? for sure) and the losers (Compass) and neutral (Zillow?).
  10. No surprise indeed. Lots of capital got burned up because of these studies. It what makes the market.
  11. I like JCI and I've held for AOS (full position) and LII (starter position). AOS can get volatile but the business is steady.
  12. From what I see, there is now a trend to tap into AWS/GCP to accelerate the journey to LLM and other analytics. Lots of orgs have proprietary data but have no clue how to get it to LLM. As far as the moat for Google/Msft/Aws, I'd argue the moat now got bigger. There are only few start ups that are really thriving here. Anthropic is one. Perplexity is another. Many fold shop before they get to market. The cost to train these models is north of $1M per run. There are a lot of great ideas but few companies with funding to try them so AWS/GCP/Azure have plenty to pick from and fund if they so desire.
  13. I remember when the original Shogun (1980s make?) made its way to Uzbekistan in mid-90s. All of my friends and I were glued to the TV for every episode. It will be the same way for this series as well. The production quality here is very high. I didn't realize it was based on a novel so will get it on Kindle.
  14. 1) Go to Wendy's and order 100 of these sandwiches, driving up futures 2) Trigger the algorithm 3) Start selling to people behind you in line for less than the current spot price 4) Orders will be delivered by Wendy's Someone with extra $1k and a sense of humor should totally do this.
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